За пациенти
Here are the best specialists in General, Gynecological Pelvic and Endoscopic Surgery, Urogynecological and Oncogynecological Surgery.
Intensivists and anesthesiologists that work in Anesthesiology and intensive care clinic are proven experts and provide around the clock care for the troubled patients.

Second gynecological clinic
The clinic is located on the 9th floor of the University Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital “Maichin Dom” and has the capacity for 35 patients. It has a surgical block and an intensive care sector.
All kinds of gynecological surgery are performed here, including oncological operations, corrections of static disorders and incontinence, endoscopy (laparoscopy and hysteroscopy). The clinic has all the necessary resources for modern diagnosis of the functional disorders of the lower urinary tract by urodynamic testing, thus meeting the world standards in this field. It is equipped also with an ultrasound machine Aloka SSD 900.
Медицински екип
Head of the clinic – Assoc. Prof. Rumen Dimitrov, MD,
Assoc. Prof. Nikolay Doganov, MD, PhD
Alan Nachev, MD, Chief assistant, head of the surgical block
Dimitar Bozhilov, MD
Angel Nalbanski, MD
Doriian Bosevq MD
Vesela Karamisheva,MD
Aleksandyr Doganov,MD
Senior midwife is Valya Ivanova
За контакт
02/9172 291