Университетска акушеро-гинекологична болница “Майчин дом”

Pregnancy is one of the most wonderful periods of a woman’s life, but it requires increased attention and specialized health care for the pregnant and child she bears.

The targets for tracking of pregnancy are associated with the preservation of pregnancy and care for the health of mother and fetus, prevention of complications related to pregnancy and childbirth. Tracking the pregnancy nowadays with a good prenatal care substantially improves the quality of your pregnancy and likelihood of giving birth to a healthy and full-term baby.

Postnatal sector

The sector has 49 beds and is located on two floors in “Maichin Dom”-  the 7th and the 12th. The head of the ward is Assoc. Prof.  Rossanka Russeva.

 The head of the second puerperal sector, situated on the 7th floor, is  Todor Garnizov, MD, PhD. He is a co-author of the 11th Bulgarian discovery in medicine – inheritance of the hypertensive disease. The subject of his PhD  thesis is “Pregnancy, labor and delivery in women with cardiovascular disorders”.

Pregnant women with accompanying medical diseases are monitored in this ward. Removal of drainages and surgical sutures and D&C procedures are also performed there.

Lyubka Kovacheva is the Senior midwife

The first puerperal sector of the Labor and Delivery Clinic of “Maichin Dom” is located on the 12th floor. The head of the sector is Nikolay Negentzov, MD, Chief assistant.

The sector has 10 double VIP rooms and 4 single VIP rooms. The rooms have all the necessary equipment for the mother in the postnatal period. They have their own bathroom, visitor’s chair and a TV. The best of all is that they have a mobile bed for the baby and the baby is always with the mother.  

Observation and active treatment of women after delivery is carried out in  the sector; different types of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures are performed in case of need.

Elena Tosheva is the Senior midwife.


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