Университетска акушеро-гинекологична болница “Майчин дом”

Practically, all patients for hospitalization pass through the diagnostic-consulting block of the hospital. The reviews are carried out by the Ob-Gyns from the inpatient, which in a later stage perform operational and healing work.

Pregnant women who are about to give birth by elective Cesarean section also pass through the DCB 

Clinical laboratory

The clinical laboratory is situated mainly on the second floor, in room 219, at the outhouse of the University Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital Maichin Dom” – in three offices with a single entrance. There is also a room on the third floor of the Labor and Delivery sector, in which assessment of fetal acid-base status and blood sample testing in newborns is performed.  

The following types of analyses are carried out in the laboratory:  hematology tests, clinical chemistry, coagulation tests, urine chemical analysis. Some  specialized tests are performed too under a contract with an external laboratory.

The clinical laboratory works with a closed system for blood drawing;

The equipment of the clinical laboratory meets the standards for a specialized ob-gyn hospital for active treatment.

The laboratory has an automatic hematology analyzer Mithic–Orphee 18: 3-pt Differential, one automatic biochemistry analyzer – medium class, Prestige-24i, Tokio-Boeki with electrolyte module, urine analyzer H-100 DIRUI, glucose analyzer Ecobasic – CARE Diagnostica; two gas analyzers Corning 448 – one of them is combined with an electrolyte module; coagulation meter – Start 4 – Stago diagnostica; two bilirubin meters for direct measurement of bilirubin in newborns.


  • Reception. The biological samples that are taken in the clinics are handled and registered here. This is also the place for drawing blood from patients referred by doctors from the outpatient consultative offices.
  • Clinical laboratory. Here the  diagnostics is performed according to the Official Clinical Laboratory Standard:
  • Laboratory hematology;
  • Clinical chemistry;
  • Urine tests;
  • Blood coagulation
  • Specialized tests are also performed under a contract with an external laboratory.

Медицински екип

Assoc. Prof.  Anna Vassileva Tzoncheva, MD, PhD, Head of the Clinical laboratory

Yordanka Krasteva, MD

Stoyka Marinova, biologist

Clinical lab technicians: Senior lab technician Nina Kirilova Andonova

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