Университетска акушеро-гинекологична болница “Майчин дом”

Practically, all patients for hospitalization pass through the diagnostic-consulting block of the hospital. The reviews are carried out by the Ob-Gyns from the inpatient, which in a later stage perform operational and healing work.

Pregnant women who are about to give birth by elective Cesarean section also pass through the DCB 

Clinical Microbiology

The laboratory is situated in Office No 133 on the ground floor of the University Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital Maichin Dom.  It has good communications with the clinics and the outpatient consultation offices.

The laboratory performs microbiological tests according to the official National  Standard of Clinical Microbiology. It is equipped with the latest apparatus for bacterial growth  diagnosis – BACTEC 5090 BD, and with the identification system  Crystal BD, which is a guarantee for high quality of the tests.

The laboratory is specialized in the diagnosis of bacterial genital and neonatal infections. Each year about 15 000 clinic samples from all clinics and offices of the hospital are testad. Identification and sensitivity tests are performed here including ones for aerobic, microaerophilic and anaerobic microorganisms and clinically  significant fungi.


Медицински екип

Head of the Laboratorry: Elena Petrova, MD, Scientific Fellow 1st degree.

Medical Lab Technicians:  Tzetzka Petrova, Vessela Yordanova, Sashka Milusheva

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