За пациенти
Practically, all patients for hospitalization pass through the diagnostic-consulting block of the hospital. The reviews are carried out by the Ob-Gyns from the inpatient, which in a later stage perform operational and healing work.
Pregnant women who are about to give birth by elective Cesarean section also pass through the DCB

Clinical Pathology Laboratory
The laboratory is situated on the fourth floor of the hospital, Sector D, and is connected with the ORs and the delivery room, the hospital wards and the offices of the Outpatient Diagnostic and Consultative Block. The laboratory has modern equipment manufactured by „Leica” and „Shandon”, which allow fast and precise processing of the samples.
The phone number of the lab is +359 2 9172 260.
A wide range of histological and cytological tests of biopsy and necropsy samples are performed at the lab.
A substantial diagnostic activity is carried out in the lab:
- histological tests of tissue samples from surgical interventions, biopsies, etc.
- emergency intraoperative diagnosis
- diagnostic cytology
- postmortems of stillborn fetuses and babies, who have died at the hospital.
- consultations about biopsies from all over the country.
The doctors from the lab teach students from the Medical University in Sofia and postgraduate students too.
Медицински екип
The head of the laboratory is Chef Assistant Sashka Raycheva, MD, who was certified in 1991. Chief Assistant Karela Meinhard, MD, also works at the lab. Lab technicians Marieta Stefanova, Silvia Kisyova and Albena Goranova are also a part of the staff.