Университетска акушеро-гинекологична болница “Майчин дом”

Practically, all patients for hospitalization pass through the diagnostic-consulting block of the hospital. The reviews are carried out by the Ob-Gyns from the inpatient, which in a later stage perform operational and healing work.

Pregnant women who are about to give birth by elective Cesarean section also pass through the DCB 

Diagnostic imaging ward

The ward is located on the second floor of the University Ob/Gyn Hospital Maichin DomIt has an X-ray room, a mammograph and two ultrasound rooms. It is equipped with an X-ray machine “Villa” and uultrasound machines  ‘Toshiba” and “Fukuda”. All types of X-ray tests, abdominal ultrasonography, ob-gyn ultrasonography, and ultrasound and X-Ray mammography are performed there. The ward performs also specialized tests in neonatology and in  obstetrics and gynecology (including color imaging of the Fallopian tubes and the uterus).


Медицински екип

The head of the ward is Ognyan Stoyanov, MD, specialist in diagnostic imaging, mammologist.


Zdravka Stancheva, MD

Emilia Lazarova, Gabriela Stefanofa


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