За пациенти
Practically, all patients for hospitalization pass through the diagnostic-consulting block of the hospital. The reviews are carried out by the Ob-Gyns from the inpatient, which in a later stage perform operational and healing work.
Pregnant women who are about to give birth by elective Cesarean section also pass through the DCB
Immunohematology and Transfusology Ward
It is located on the ground floor of the hospital in rooms 154 to 157. In the ward immunohematological monitoring and compatibility selection of blood and blood bioproducts are performed. The ward has two automatic immunohematological analyzers; refrigerator area with recording thermometers and alarm system for preservation of blood and blood bioproducts; lab centrifuges, thermostats; autoclave; refrigerators; freezers; thrombocyte shaker; microscope.
- Determination (NOT establishing, да се произнесе д-р Стефанова!!!) of blood types and Rh/D/antigen.
- Determination of blood types and Rh/D/antigen of newborns using the umbilical cord and erythrocytes sensibilization with a direct antiglobulin test.
- Screening for antierythrocyte antibodies.
- Testing for autoerythrocyte antibodies.
- Testing for alloerythrocyte antibodies.
- Identification of antierythrocyte antibodies.
- Quantification assessment of the titer of antierythrocyte antibodies.
- Determination of the immunoglobulin characteristics of antierythrocyte antibodies.
- Identification of week D/Du/ antigens.
- Identification of Rh phenotype/CcDEe/ and Kell antigen.
- Quantification of serum immune anti-А and anti-В IgG antibodies in pregnant women.
- Pre-transfusion tests for blood compatibility.
- Immunohematological diagnosis in cases of hemolytic post-transfusion reactions.
- Identification of erythrocyte antigens.
- Planning, delivery, preservation and distribution of blood and blood bioproducts.
Медицински екип
The head of the ward is Asinka Stefanova, MD, Research Fellow, 3rd degree. She has a specialty in transfusion hematology and is a Master of Health Policies and Management of Healthcare, and a Master of Medical Standards.
Chief nurse – Maria Igova