Университетска акушеро-гинекологична болница “Майчин дом”


Professor Dr. Victor Borissov Zlatkov, PhD 

Work experience

·                     since 12.10.2016Rector, Medical University – Sofia, Bulgaria

·         2009– 2016 -Executive Director, University Hospital of Ob&GynMaichindomSofia

·               2007- 2009 - Headof OutpatientDepartment,University Hospital of Ob&GynMaichindomSofia

·            2000- 2006-Head of Gynecology Clinic, National Transport Hospital– Sofia

·      1983- 1999-Assistant/Chief assistant, University Hospital of Ob&GynMaichindomSofia

·                1980- 1983– Doctor (intern)Ob&GynDept, BobovDol Hospital and Pernik Hospital

Education and training

·                     2002- Postgraduate specialization in Health Management, Medical University, Sofia

·            1997- Master of Oncology, Medical Academy, Sofia

·            1987- Master of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medical Academy, Sofia

·    1980- Medical degree (medical doctor), Medical Academy, Sofia, Medicine

 Academic degree: PhD” (1996)

 Аcademic position

·            2012-2016 - Vice Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Medical University-Sofia

           since 2012Professor

        2000- 2011Associate Professor

·       1983- 1999Assistant / Chief Assistan

Administrative and public position

·      since 2016Member of theAcademicCouncil; Medical University-Sofia

·                since 2015 National Consultant of Ob &Gyn

·                 since 2015Council Member of the Association of Bulgarian Medical Specialists

·                     since 2015 Member of the Program Board of the Sofia Municipal Council for IVF (donors’ program)

·                     since 2012 -Member of theFacultyCouncil; Faculty of Medicine, Medical University-Sofia

·                     since 2012 –Member of the Scientific Council, National Oncology Hospital, Sofia

·                     2010- 2014 - General secretary of the Association of University Hospitals

·             2008- 2011 - Member of the Specialized CouncilMotherhood,High Testimony Commission

·                     since 2007 -Board member of the Bulgarian Association of Oncologic Gynecology

·                     2004- 2010 - Council member of the “Fund for the treatment of children”, Ministry of Health

·                     2004- 2005 - National coordinator for the Ministry of Health - Reproductive Health

·                     2002- 2005 - Member of the Board and General Assembly of theNational Health Insurance Fund

·                     1996- 2008 - Member of cervical screening working groups, Ministry of Health

Scientific activities and publication:in the fields of prevention and early diagnostics of pre-cancer and cancer of female genitalia, infections in obstetrics & gynecology, outpatient and general gynecologic surgery

·   Member of the Editorial board of the Obstetrics and Gynecology journal

·    Member of the Editorial board of the Transport Medicine journal

·  Participation in 9scientific projects in Bulgaria (Medical University, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education and Science)

· Participation in 3international scientific projects EUROCHIP 2, EUROCHIP 3 and Devani (VII Framework Programme)

·     Author and co-author of 145publications (24abroad)

·  Author and co-author of 18 monographs,textbooks and manuals (5 abroad);

    GeneralIF - 132.396 andindividual – 31.549; h-index – 6; g-index – 14

·   Citations in Bulgaria– 56; abroad – 243


·                     2006 -Honorary award of Bulgarian Medical Association

·                     2015 Honorary award and a certificateFaculty of Public Health, MU-Sofia

·                   2015 –Honorary awardof the Dean of the Medical Faculty, MU-Sofia

·                     2015 Honorary certificate “Manager of the Year”, initiative of the Ministry of Health and Standart-newspaper

·              2015 -Honorary award and a certificatethe name of prof. St. Kirkovich, for a total scientific work - Medical Faculty, MU – Sofia